
我们的 儿童面部矿物防晒霜 are made with 非纳米氧化锌, the 安全st mineral filter according to EWG experts. Dermatologically tested, reef-friendly and easy to apply.



年龄: 24

超级容易应用,不留白色石膏. 不油腻也不油腻. 我很喜欢!


年龄: 29

超级方便,易于使用,礁石安全. 这个矿物太阳棒是下一个级别!

SPF 30 vs 50

  1. Higher SPF = higher concentration of zinc oxide, resulting is a pasty white appearance on the skin. ​
  2. SPF 50给消费者一种虚假的安全感.​
  3. Sunscreen products, regardless of their SPF levels, should be applied every two hours.​


的态度 sunscreens do not contain any ecotoxic chemical filters such as octinoxate or oxybenzone (benzophenone-3), which have been banned in some parts of the United States due to their harmful effects on fish and corals.

As always, we prefer ingredients of plant and mineral origin. That is why our sunscreens all have 非纳米氧化锌 as their active ingredient and proudly bear the EWG VERIFIED™ seal.

For more information on our sunscreens, please visit our 2020 sun care guide 在这里.

T在这里 are two types of UV filters: chemical and physical.

Chemical filters use active ingredients that get absorbed by the skin to block UV rays and protect the skin.

Physical (or mineral) filters create a physical barrier on the skin to block UV rays.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), zinc oxide is considered to be the 安全st physical filter.

SPF indicates the amount of UVB rays blocked by a sunscreen. spf30可以阻挡97.4%的UVB射线,而spf50可以阻挡98%的UVB射线. As you can see, the difference is relatively small. Although the numbers increase, your degree of protection isn’t significantly better. In fact, the difference between SPF 30 and 50 is minimal—SPF 50 only blocks an extra 0.6%的UVB辐射.


  • SPF 15* 93%
  • 防晒系数30 97,4%
  • SPF 50 98%
  • SPF 60 98,3%

*Health Canada recommends a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15.

而非常高的spf值并非没有风险. They give people the impression that they are extremely well protected, 所以他们倾向于花更多的时间在阳光下. 然而, SPF值不随时间变化, but rather indicates the proportion of blocked sun rays. This is why we have to re-apply sunscreen every two hours, 不管SPF值是多少, 有效地保护皮肤.

更多信息,请阅读我们的文章 "The Truth 关于 High SPF Sunscreens: Are They Really Better?"

我们的 sunscreens are partially water resistant because some of their ingredients, 包括氧化锌, 自然排斥水.

然而, we prefer not to label our sunscreens as such because after they are exposed to water, they will no longer provide protection that is as effective.

因此, we recommend reapplying our sunscreen at least every 2 hours, 游泳或出汗过多后.

While titanium dioxide is often used in mineral sunscreens, it only provides partial UV protection. Zinc oxide, on the other hand, offers broad-spectrum cover年龄 (UVA and UVB). According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), zinc oxide is the soundest sunscreen choice.

这是一种高效的非美白产品, it’s important to ensure that t在这里 is a high enough concentration of 非纳米氧化锌. 欲了解更多信息,请阅读我们的文章 在这里.

Yes, our sunscreens are all made with 非纳米氧化锌.

In addition to being a mineral sunscreen made with zinc oxide, the sunscreen for sensitive skin is fragrance-free, dermatologist tested and enriched with 1% colloidal oatmeal. Colloidal oat is a natural medicinal ingredient recognized by Health Canada for skin care purposes.

Oats protect the skin barrier and help relieve symptoms caused by eczema and skin irritations. It also features the NEA (National Eczema Association) Seal of Acceptance™ logo, certifying that it is free of ingredients unsuitable for sensitive skin.

It is true that the whitening effect can be related to the size of the zinc particles. We put a lot of effort into choosing the right particle size for our physical solar filter.

It was a great challenge to find the right balance between application performance and particle size, and thus offer minimal whitening of the skin and maximum protection. We are very proud of the result and have had great comments from our customers!